Auckland Junior Relay Championships 2015
Auckland Junior Relay Champs is one of three major events on the regional calendar and is a big logistical exercise for all the clubs involved. Weeks of work go into…
Auckland Junior Relay Champs is one of three major events on the regional calendar and is a big logistical exercise for all the clubs involved. Weeks of work go into…
Timaru, December 4, 5 & 6 December. Last weekend over 1,200 Secondary School Athletes descended on Timaru for the 43rd NZ Secondary Schools Track, Field and Road Race Championships. Past…
PCAAC NEWS & UPDATES NOVEMBER 2015 REPRESENTATIVE TEAMS Congratulations to Maddie Kelso-Heap (10yrs), Joe Berman (10yrs) & Sam Berry (11yrs) who have been chosen to represent Auckland in the…
Papatoetoe Athletics Club would like to warmly welcome all junior athletes aged 2 to 14 from your respective clubs to join us at our Festival Shield Day : When:…
POINT CHEVALIER AMATEUR ATHLETICS CLUB 70th Anniversary Open Ribbon Day Sunday 22nd November 10am-3pm Walker Park, Point Chevalier. All athletes 3 - 14 years are welcome. Full programme for 7-14s…
Junior Opening Night Information & Group Allocations We are welcoming many new families to the club this year and for children and parents the first night can be quite overwhelming…
Parent Help Information & Rosters (Updated 25/01/16) 7 + Age Group ROSTERS: We feel that parents/caregivers have had enough time to familiarise themselves with the Senior Programme. Please assist where you…
Important information regarding the Inter Provincial Auckland Team Trials please see the information below and attached. 2016 Flyer.pdf 2016 IP 12-13 Nomination form.pdf .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Dear Parents & Athletes, Another eventful…
Auckland Athletics have released their Junior Track & Field Calendar for the Summer Season. Most events are open to any registered athlete aged 14 years and under, the event include ribbon…
Parent Helper Session - this Saturday 19th September from 10am-12pm at Walker Park PCAAC is a community based children's only athletics club that is run on volunteers and parent helpers.…
In addition to club nights all athletes in the Age Groups 10 + can attend an extra training session as follows: Thursday from 5.45pm - 7.15pm @ Walker Park. There is no cost…