Parent Help Information & Rosters (Updated 25/01/16)
7 + Age Group ROSTERS:
We feel that parents/caregivers have had enough time to familiarise themselves with the Senior Programme. Please assist where you can on atleast one club night this half of the season. We have 170 athletes in the 7 + age group so there should be plenty of helpers in each age group and at each event station. Please do your share.
Please note that: age groups that do not have sufficient parent help may be asked to sit out of the programme until someone steps in to assist.
JUNIOR INFORMATION (3 – 6 year programme)
To assist with the ease of co-ordination for club champs, we have regrouped our 3 – 6 years by age as at 31/12/2015. More teams in the 5 & 6 year old age groups have been added which means that groups are smaller and easier to manage. Activities have been streamlined to focus solely on athletic skills (reverting back to previous seasons programme).
Junior Teams as at 26/01/2016
Please click on the link below to find out what team your child is in.
Junior Group Master January 2016.xlsx
BBQ ROSTER as at 26/01/2016
PCAAC BBQ Roster Feb-Mar 2016.pdf
Any concerns or issues please email: